Amy's Blog

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Mountain Lion Sighting

"…there he was, just 30 feet away. As I took in his classic profile,
muscular haunches, firm jowls, long tail and tawny coat, it dawned on
me that my guest was a genuine mountain lion,… "

To read the whole story, click here

Discovery Channel Documentary (Amy Film Star)

I am very thrilled to be participating in an upcoming Discovery Channel
Documentary "The Extreme Body.," which will air at the beginning of
next year. Earlier this month (April, 2007) I went to L.A. for the shoot.

"…The next morning found my director, cameraman, and me scrambling up
into the hills. … I had not really expected a prolonged hike, and at
some point during our morning shoot, I realized that here I was, in the
wilderness, with no whistle, no water bottle, no first aid kit, and no
survival equipment of any sort…."Could you walk a little closer to the
edge?" asked my director…."

For the rest of the story, click here

Post your Own Adventures

You are warmly invited to write in about your own wilderness survival
stories and adventures, and to post comments. You can also read about
my own ongoing adventures. I look forward to hearing from you!

Click here to post your own story